Monday, November 5, 2007

The unelectability of Hillary????

In an article in the Modesto Bee (11/30/07), novelist Mary Gordon is quoted as saying "I think no woman is electable in America, and particularly not Hillary because she is married to this guy whom everyone is libidinally attached to. I think there is unconscious sexual jealousy of her among women."
I guess that explains why Hillary is not my first choice. It's not her vote for the war in Iraq or any of her other positions I don't agree with, it's my jealousy of her relationship with Bill. Give me a break. If anything, her relationship to Bill makes me more inclined to support her candidacy. What thinking person wouldn't want Bill back in the White House even as First Whatever. The years of experience that Bill and Hillary bring to the office may be the only thing that can save us from the disastrous 8 years of W's regime.



amen to that. I was sick when W was Put into office.

Rolf said...

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Fourdogmom said...

Thanks for your weekly cartoons too, Rolf.

LibraryLioness8 said...

I am going to proud to vote for Hillary or any other Democrat. Our long nightmare must end!