That's what thedeciderints said and he is seldom wrong which is why he is "The Decider"
On monday when I got home the house was unusually hot. The 15 year old ac unit had finally broken. I was expecting this to happen and was very grateful it happened in October and not in August since the hottest my house got was a tolerable 85 degrees. I ended up getting a new ac and furnace and am now 7,000 poorer. I also missed the HCPL training conference. The next day my 11 year old car started smoking on my way to work. I took it into Demo's in the village on my way home and the radiator was cracked. That and the thermostat needed to be replaced. Now to the third thing. For a month or so I have been looking forward to seeing a friend of mine I haven't seen in over a year. We planned to have lunch on Friday and then maybe shop and just catch up. On Friday morning I started feeling sick but then I felt a little better by the time she showed up at my house. I was ok until about half way through the meal at Grotto. Then I started shivering and my teeth were chattering. I managed to drive home. My friend left and I went to bed. I had 103 fever. Pretty unusual for me to be sick.
BTW, I highly recommend Demo's for any type of auto repair. They do great work and are very reliable. I've been taking my car there for years and I never feel like I'm being ripped off. They are at 2438 Tangley right off of Kirby.
You poor thing! I'm sorry you had such a horrible week. Glad you're better now.
Now I feel guilty! I'm not really prescient! I was just quoting
Well, lesson learned! Don't decide to log into your blog in the middle of leaving a comment! Your comment in progress appears to get posted automatically if you do! Thank goodness I hadn't said anything I wish I hadn't!
Anyway....I was just quoting conventional wisdom about things happening in threes! Hopefully you'll win the lottery, pay off the expenses incurred, and bring your friend back for another visit when you don't get sick!
Don't feel bad. The AC broke in a cooler month, I didn't burn the engine, a real possiblity, and I probably lost a few pounds being sick. I knew about the 3's thing and thought the same thing when the AC broke.
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