Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 7 Assignment #16 wikis

I logged onto the iHCPL sandbox wiki and added this blog to it. I also added my favorite animals, restaurants, vacation spots, and tv shows on the other iHCPL wiki pages.
OCLC has always seemed like a wiki to me although the contributors are limited. In the article I read for the last assignment, Chip Nilges, OCLC VP New Services talks about allowing non catalogers, including patrons, researchers, and faculty to contribute information to OCLC records. This function would make OCLC a true wiki.
The cartoon illustrates some problems inherent in wikis.


whitelabradors said...

This is true. What will it do to the integrity of the catalog? I guess we don't care about that anymore.

Fourdogmom said...

I'm not sure if it could be any worse than what some of the catalogers are contributing. Not us, of course. The quality of the records is appalling.

LibraryLioness8 said...

If only we could catalog everything. 'Cause we're the best!

Unknown said...

Great cartoon! It definitely captures my reservations about wikis.

Fourdogmom said...

The POTUS loves wikis for the very reason you don't.