Saturday, May 3, 2008


I left work early yesterday and bought my new car. I decided to get a Nissan Versa. It has 4 doors, a hatchback, and is a lot bigger inside than the Toyota Yaris. I never went to look at the Honda Fit because it was $2,000 more than both the Yaris and the Versa. It's white (fresh powder) with a black (charcoal) interior. I wanted white because it's better in the heat. I haven't had a new car in 12 years so there are some features I'm not used to like keyless entry. It has power everything and a really nice CD player so I'm pretty happy.

Next week I'm going to put my new magnetic Obama 'O8 YES WE CAN! bumper sticker on it.


Tam said...

New cars are exciting! I shop for them all the time the way you do houses.

How does it drive?

Fourdogmom said...

It's pretty nice to drive. I had to come home on the freeway from Stafford and I went about 60mph and it was good. I was nervous but made it home ok. Today the tire pressure light was on so I took it in and had them add air. I don't know why they were low and I don't know if the light was on yesterday. It's a nice feature. The light still hasn't gone away but should when I drive over a certain mph for a certain amount of time. It's all high tech. I hate car shopping. It's stressful and I don't care about cars at all.

LibraryLioness8 said...


busymomof4 said...
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busymomof4 said...
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busymomof4 said...

Congrats..... I want a better car.
Driving a truck can be a drag especially with the gas prices being as high as they are... (trust me if it weren't for my kids I would ride a bike...) I really do not care about a vehicle like most people do, as long as I can get from place to place.

Fourdogmom said...

Dear Busymomof4,
I feel the same way. I just want one that goes!

Miss Grimm said...

Don't you love that new car smell? I am trying to preserve the smell of my new car for as long as I can.

Anonymous said...

Is it big enough to haul a couch?

It's me, Shirley, but you knew that, right?

Fourdogmom said...

No, but it is big enough to hold 4 dogs!