Thursday, December 6, 2007

Religion and politics don't mix

In his speech this morning in College Station, Mitt Romney said "Freedom requires religion, just as religion requires freedom. Freedom opens the windows of the soul so that man can discover his most profound beliefs and commune with God. Freedom and religion endure together, or perish alone." In his attempt to pander to the religious right evangelical conservatives he has just excluded atheists and doubters from his vision of "freedom" and has wiped out the notion of separation of church and state.
He also went on to assure members of the audience that he is a Christian and while he didn't use the term "born-again" his words implied that he is indeed one them. Many in the religious right consider his Mormon faith a cult so I'm sure this was meant to assure them of his good standing with God. I am so sick of candidates jumping on the born-again wagon and pandering to this minority. Do we really want someone in the White House who claims to be a Christian but acts in the most un-Christian ways towards other human beings possible. Look at what our current born-again Christian commander in chief has done to Iraq and the people in that country, not to mention our soldiers. And the earth. I'll take a non-believer any day over what we have now. Better yet, leave religion out of politics completely.
For the complete text of his speech see

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