Saturday, December 1, 2007

Angels for Animals doghouse program

This year, as in years past, PETA has a campaign to raise money for doghouses for dogs who do not have any other shelter. For $265.00 a neglected backyard dog, often chained, will receive a sturdy straw filled doghouse. It's hard for me to imagine people treating "man's best friend" this way but many dogs are left outside in all kinds of freezing weather. This is a way we can help. I'm planning to sponsor one doghouse rather than give gifts this year. If you can't do this consider a smaller donation to PETA or to a local animal shelter.


Princess said...

my neighbors would leave their dogs outside all day in the cold, no collars, no tags, probably not vaccinated. I've finally posted enough notes on their door complaining that they take them in at night and put them in the garage in a cage. Still not nice, but better than leaving them lying in the dirt. Mine live inside and I would never do that to them. I don't understand it either, but some people have no love for anything but themselves I guess.

Fourdogmom said...

Thenks for your response. That was a brave thing to do. I'm sure the dogs are grateful for your help. My dogs sleep in bed with me. Why have dogs if they are going to be outside all the time and never part of the family.