Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thoughts on Zoho
Zoho is very easy to use. I will probably try out some of the other functions such as spreadsheets later.
Zoho writer document
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 13 x 9 inch baking pan.
In a large bowl, blend the eggs, sugar, and oil. Set aside.
In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. Combine the flour mixture with the egg mixture and stir until throughly mixed. Fold in the apples and nuts and mix throughly. Spoon into the prepared pan. Bake 50-60 minutes, or until a wooden pick comes out clean. Cool and cut into squares. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar, if desired.
Makes 2 dozen.
This recipe is from Eat Dessert First: The Red Hat Society Dessert Cookbook.
Week 8: #19 Web-based Apps: They're not just for desktops
I opened an account in Zoho and looked at all the different functions. I was going to write a short essay, using Zoho writer, on the religious imagery in the new Bruce Springsteen song I'll work for your love from his new album Magic but decided that what people really want to read about is food. Yesterday, while perusing the new books in our area I discovered a wonderful cookbook called Eat Dessert First! by the Red Hat Society. The Red Hat Society is an organization started in 1998 by Sue Ellen Cooper and gets its name from the poem Warning by Jenny Joseph which has the lines: "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple. With a red hat that doesn't go and doesn't suit me"
There are over 40,000 chapters with over 1.5 million registered red hat ladies whose main function is to get together for tea, dressed in purple dresses and red hats. They have also published several cookbooks. For more information, to find a chapter near you, or to join see www.redhatsociety.com
Monday, October 29, 2007
Week 8: #18 Social Networking: Making friends in the comfort of your own home
This week's video is great.
For the assignment, I looked at MySpace, Rate My Space, and Dogster. My dog Sparky, with my help, created a web page on dogster. Then we added the dogster space to this blog for easy access.
Rate my space is one of my favorite sites because I love HGTV and decorating and it's fun to see what other people have done. I may add some pictures of some of my projects to it later.
I personally don't have a need for the other social networking sites but can see that they might be fun and useful for others.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Google ads
When I first started this blog I was anxious to try out all the features so I decided to add Google ads to by blog. It pays you when someone clicks on the ads from your blog. I never expected to make any money because it pays very little, my blog doesn't get that much traffic and I doubt if anyone clicks on the ads anyway. It's been interesting to see the ads that pop up on my page. Google must look for key words and put on ads based on those words. After I did an entry about doggie poop there was an ad for "Fix dog coprophagia" (which I had look up) but has to do with the entry I was talking about. I've also had several ads for pink ribbon things even though my entry on the pink ribbon industry was negative. Yesterday, much to my horror there was an ad that said something to the effect "If you want to support a Real Republican click here" I suppose I have too many tags with Bush or republicans. Anyway, I'm enjoying this feature and promise to donate any money I receive to my department in the form of doughnuts or mocha muffins.
Friday, October 26, 2007
You know it's cold when...
the dog poop steams. And it did last night and this morning when I was out walking the dogs. The picture, from a German newspaper, does not necessarily reflect fdm's views but was just meant to amuse the reader. Here is a web site where you can print your own little flags, take pictures, and upload them to a gallery:
Here is the article that accompanied the picture:
"Police in Germany are hunting pranksters who have been sticking miniature flag portraits of George W. Bush into piles of dog poo in public parks.
"This has been going on for about a year now, and there must be 2,000 to 3,000 piles of excrement that have been claimed during that time," said Josef Oettl, parks administrator for Bayreuth.
The series of incidents was originally thought to be some sort of protest against the US-led invasion of Iraq. But then when it continued, it was thought to be a protest against George W. Bush's campaign for re-election. But it is still going on and the police say they are completely baffled as to who is to blame.
"We have sent out extra patrols to try to catch whoever is doing this in the act," said police spokesman Reiner Kuechler. "But frankly, we don't know what we would do if we caught them red-handed."
Legal experts say there is no law against using feces as a flag stand and the federal constitution is vague on the issue.
Personally, I think it is mighty considerate to provide unwary pedestrians with an obvious visual marker that prevents them from accidentally stepping into dog poo. I wish people were so considerate in NYC, where there is plenty of dog poo to step in."
P.S. fdm always scoops
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Week 7: #17 Blog About Technology
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Week 7 Assignment #16 wikis
I logged onto the iHCPL sandbox wiki and added this blog to it. I also added my favorite animals, restaurants, vacation spots, and tv shows on the other iHCPL wiki pages.
OCLC has always seemed like a wiki to me although the contributors are limited. In the article I read for the last assignment, Chip Nilges, OCLC VP New Services talks about allowing non catalogers, including patrons, researchers, and faculty to contribute information to OCLC records. This function would make OCLC a true wiki.
The cartoon illustrates some problems inherent in wikis.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Now to something that really matters
Did you see the great story on 60 minutes last night about Plumpynut? Plumpynut is a ready to use theraupedic food (RUTF) developed by french scientist Andre Briend in 1999 and is used in countries where severe malnutrition in children is a problem. Plumpynut is a vitamin enriched mixture of peanut butter, powdered milk, and sugar which requires no refrigeration, water, or cooking. Last night's show focused on the group Doctors Without Borders and their use of Plumpynut in Niger, one of the poorest countries in West Africa. Doctors Without Borders distributes Plumpynut to parents and their children who often walk many hours weekly to receive their ration. The results are amazing. Within a few weeks there is noticeable weight gain in the children receiving Plumpynut.
"It's a revolution in nutritional affairs," says Dr. Milton Tectonidis, the chief nutritionist for Doctors Without Borders.
"Now we have something. It is like an essential medicine. In three weeks, we can cure a kid that is looked like they're half dead. We can cure them just like an antibiotic. It’s just, boom! It's a spectacular response," Dr. Tectonidis says.
For more information or to contribute to this great organization go to http://doctorswithoutborders.org or click on the link on the side of the page.
Week 6 Assignment #15 Library 2.0, Web 2.0
From Wikipedia: "Library 2.0 is a loosely defined model for a modernized form of library service that reflects a transition within the library world in the way that services are delivered to users. The concept of Library 2.0 borrows from that of Business 2.0 and Web 2.0 and follows some of the same underlying philosophies. This includes online services such as the use of OPAC systems and an increased flow of information from the user back to the library.
With Library 2.0 library services are constantly updated and reevaluated to best serve library users. Library 2.0 also attempts to harness the library user in the design and implementation of library services by encouraging feedback and participation. Proponents of this concept expect that ultimately the Library 2.0 model for service will replace traditional, one-directional service offerings that have characterized libraries for centuries."
Chip Niles, in his article "To more powerful ways to cooperate" talks about some of the ways OCLC is applying the principles of web 2.0 to enhance user services.
These include opening up WorldCat where anyone with a web browser can search OCLC and expanding the definition of "collective intelligence" by allowing more non-cataloging people, including patrons to contribute to OCLC records.
Week 6 assignment #13 Del.icio.us
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Ted Rall
I have added a link over on the right (should be left) to the Ted Rall website. His latest editorial, Onward, Christian Panderers, is a great read, as are his earlier ones. HCPL has six of Ted Rall's books listed in the catalog including "Silk Road to Ruin : is Central Asia the New Middle East?" which I believe is his latest.
Week 6 assignment #14 Technorati
I learned from Wikipedia that Technorati is a search engine that indexes over 94 million blogs. I joined Technorati and added a few tags such as dogs, Antartctica, and anti bush to my profile. I plan to go back when I have more time and add an image and a profile. I also plan to do some searches with Technorati just to see what the advantages are to this type of search engine. I added the Technorati button to my blog and a picture of a nice looking guitar player wearing a Technorati shirt so this wouldn't be a completely boring post.
Bad things come in threes
That's what thedeciderints said and he is seldom wrong which is why he is "The Decider"
On monday when I got home the house was unusually hot. The 15 year old ac unit had finally broken. I was expecting this to happen and was very grateful it happened in October and not in August since the hottest my house got was a tolerable 85 degrees. I ended up getting a new ac and furnace and am now 7,000 poorer. I also missed the HCPL training conference. The next day my 11 year old car started smoking on my way to work. I took it into Demo's in the village on my way home and the radiator was cracked. That and the thermostat needed to be replaced. Now to the third thing. For a month or so I have been looking forward to seeing a friend of mine I haven't seen in over a year. We planned to have lunch on Friday and then maybe shop and just catch up. On Friday morning I started feeling sick but then I felt a little better by the time she showed up at my house. I was ok until about half way through the meal at Grotto. Then I started shivering and my teeth were chattering. I managed to drive home. My friend left and I went to bed. I had 103 fever. Pretty unusual for me to be sick.
BTW, I highly recommend Demo's for any type of auto repair. They do great work and are very reliable. I've been taking my car there for years and I never feel like I'm being ripped off. They are at 2438 Tangley right off of Kirby.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Fourdogmom in Utah
Saturday, October 13, 2007
New picture from icanhascheezburger
Friday, October 12, 2007
Men make decisions. Women make dinner.
Al Gore
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Organic foods
1. Peaches
2. Apples
3. Sweet Bell Peppers
4. Celery
5. Nectarines
6. Strawberries
7. Cherries
8. Lettuce
9. Grapes (imported)
10. Pears
11. Spinach
12. Potatoes
And here is a list of foods that are of least concern in terms of pesticides:
1. Onions
2. Avocado
3. Sweet Corn (frozen)
4. Pineapples
5. Mango
6. Sweet Peas (frozen)
7. Asparagus
8. Kiwi
9. Bananas
10. Cabbage
11. Broccoli
12. Eggplant
"We don't do body counts" General Tommy Franks
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Week 5: #12 The "Library" Elf will remind you!
P.S. Now that I've had the elf for a few weeks I really like it. I like the reminders I get of all the materials I have on hold. HCPL tells us when we have an actual item ready for checkout but the elf tell us all the materials on hold.
Week 5: #10 Play around with Image Generators
Assignment # 9
Monday, October 8, 2007
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
"Far too many marketing campaigns exist for it to be possible to trace the threads of profit for each, and it’s difficult to verify whether a promotion is legitimate while you’re standing in the store. Make the best choice you can with the information you have. If you have trouble getting answers or if you feel that a promotion is questionable, write to the company responsible, consider buying a different product, and tell your friends"
Presidential poll
Saturday, October 6, 2007
For Gindiaries
Ruthie the cat
She was one of many feral cats who lived there. I managed to round up most of the cats to be spayed or neutered at SNAP www.snapus.org When I moved I brought Ruthie with me she continues to live happily outdoors (her preference)
SNAP is a great organization which offers low cost or free neutering or spaying. They are located on Durham
near I-10. See their web site for more information.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Anybody but a republican avatar
Yahoo has full figured avatars which really aren't full figured but are at least more realistic. Here I am on the floor of the Democratic convention with my trusty dog Oxford.
Pugs not drugs
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Houston's Farmer's Market
Every Tuesday from 3-7:30 pm there is a wonderful farmer's market set up in the parking lot south of Rice Stadium, University Blvd near Montclair with free parking in the lot at Entrance 9 or in the Greenbriar Lot, entrances 13A and 13B. For more info and directions see http://www.houstonfarmersmarket.org/
Michael Vick takes PETA's empathy course
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I admit it, I'm slow. That's why it so nice to work with so many helpful people including thedeciderints, ancatexanca, and librarylioness8. Thanks!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Please don't make me catalog this
A Bush twin (not Barb, but the other)
Pot of Gold??
Imagine a rainbow in Antarctica! From my RSS assignment I went to the Antarctica site I had added and found this truly magnificent picture.