I didn't get to sleep last night until midnight and woke up at 4. After I walked the dogs I went to the store and bought the last of the D batteries, food, water, and gas. I'm as prepared as can be. Houston is probably going to get hit hard. We are on the dirty side and it keeps getting closer to us. My area is not in an evacuation area and we are actually encouraged to stay but all the coastal areas around here are under mandatory evacuation. Half the people I work with are under mandatory evacuation and aren't at work. We have tomorrow off. The 7th anniversary of 9/11 isn't being mentioned by anyone including the local news because we are so focused on Ike. I thought that after it happened it would always be a special day to remember because of the way everyone came together but bush has ruined that too. I hope someday I will be able to feel proud of my country again.
I love my Country, but fear my Government.
Hunker down and stay safe. I'll be thinking about you. If I don't here from you after the storm hits, I'll know you don't have power. Your friend
Thanks. It's looking more and more like we are going to get the worst of it.
Are you getting all your emergency stuff together. When we went through a small cat 1 hurricane we filled are bathtub and all containers with water. Got charcoal, sterno and lots of canned food. We didn't get hit bad, so I had so much canned fruit and veggie's I ate it for months afterwards. lol
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