Monday, September 1, 2008

Laura Bush

Laura Bush warned democrats to stay away from anti Palin sexism in an interview with fixed news today.
Laura, I know you aren't as stupid as you husband but apparently some of it has rubbed off on you. People who care about this country are not going to vote for Palin because of her lack of experience and her views on issues that most of us care about.
Here is a short list of some of her views and accomplishments:
1. Wants to teach creationism in school.
2. Wants to take away a woman's right to choose.
3. Against stem cell research.
4. Against benefits for same sex partners.
5. Doesn't think global warming is man made.
6. Supports drilling for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge (there's a reason it's called a refuge)
7. Opposes a windfalls profit tax on oil companies.
8. Hates polar bears (ok, I made that up, but she does want to take them off the endangered list)
9. Claims to be a fiscal conservative but put her little town of Wasilla (about 9,000 residents) 20 million in debt while mayor.
10. Supported the bridge to nowhere before she didn't support it.
11. Troopgate scandal (google it)
12. The gun and hunting thing.

For all you people who still think Republicans are the family value party: If she is so into children and mothering how could she return to work 3 days after giving birth to her latest child? I don't know anyone who does that. Especially after giving birth to a child with special needs. And who is going to parent her growing brood of children including her grandchild, conceived out of wedlock by her 17 year old daughter, if she is elected VP or God help us becomes president. Family values isn't just about having children, it's about taking care of them after they are born and taking care of the world so that all children have a chance. Ignoring global warming and bombing the hell out of innocent families, even if they aren't your faith (Pentecostal, btw), isn't good family values.

It's not sexism that cost Hillary the nomination (for me it was her support of your husband's stupid war) and it's not sexism that will cost McCain/Palin the election. It's the issues. So just STFU. Hasn't your family caused enough damage? Go back to Crawford or wherever you came from and take your skanky daughters and your mass murderer of a husband with you.
(Sorry Crawford)

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